In science, those theories and hypotheses supported by many experimental results are taken to be more likely as correct. It is not about if any of those experimental results are correct. Rather, it is about whether the hypothesis is correct. Logically, if results from one valid experimental say otherwise, then the hypothesis correctness would be discounted, or invalidated.
Thus, if a concept is correct in the views of a group of people, but validly incorrect to another group of people, then the correctness of this concept is questionable. Arguing or fighting over which group is correct is fruitless.
However, when a hypothesis is invalidated in science, it is not thrown away but fine tuned to become a better hypothesis.
Similarly, neither of these two camp of thoughts is to be discarded, but should be fine tuned. De-emphasize the contradicting and different portions and enhance the similar and parallel portions of the concept. The latter approach is to work towards bringing about concepts that are universally correct to all people. In other words, such concepts may be called the truths. These truths will demolish the walls between these groups, especially racial and religious groups.
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