Asked by ashishv_patel
Three friend deside to give a one presant to common friends so they had puchase one item by 75 $ by contribution of 25 $ but shopkipper deside to give a discount for 5$ so shop boy gone for to return 5$,in between shop boy had think to take 2 $ from 5$ at last he give only 3$ to that three friends & they had distribute 1$ each
now costing of presant is
3 friend * 24 $ = 72 $
shop boy had taken + 2 $
72 + 2 = 74
but actualy frist they had expence 75 $ - 74 $
so where is 1 $ ? ? ? ? ?????????????
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
A variant of another version where hotel room rate at $10.
Lets try the accounting method:
Balance sheet for the 3 friends:
Debit: $25 * 3 = $75 to buy the present
Credit: $3 from the shop boy
Balance: spent $72
Asset: the present that costs them $72
Balance sheet for the shop:
Credit: $75 revenue
Debit: $5 discount
Balance: $70
Asset: less a product that sold at $70
Balance sheet for the shop boy:
Credit: $5 from shopkeeper
Debit: $3 discount to that 3 friends
Balance: $2
Thus, cheated $2 from the shopkeeper and that 3 friends... errr, or did he earned it?
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